More than 70 years of colored diamond research published in Gems & Gemology has been compiled in this comprehensive volume. Organized into four sections, each with introductions written by colored diamond color-grading expert John King, technical director of the GIA Laboratory, this book reviews the history and characteristics of famous colored diamonds such as the Hope and the Dresden Green, the characterization and grading of fancy-color diamonds, and seven decades of notable colored diamonds that have passed through the GIA Laboratory.
Research & Insights
Lab-Grown Diamonds – The Eco-Friendly Myth
When considering the purchase of a printed diamond, it’s important to remember these 5 points: #1 Historical Significance and Symbolism: Natural diamonds have long been symbols of success, status, and achievement, their allure stemming from the challenges of sourcing them from remote, untouched landscapes. ###truncate###Up until the early 20th century, people were willing to risk […]