The Fancy Color Diamond Book took two and a half years to research, write, edit, design and produce. Chronicled with page upon page of stunning photographs and illustrations, it is the ultimate combination of a practical manual and a luxurious coffee-table book. The Fancy Color Diamond Book serves as a definitive source on fancy color diamonds, whether you are a retail jeweler, designer, an admirer of diamonds as accessories, as an investment or as a collectors’ piece. The Fancy Color Diamond Book contains substantial information about the range of fancy color diamonds, as well as, issues of grading, clarity and the challenges of cutting fancy color diamonds. With each copy of The Fancy Color Diamond Book sold, a portion of the proceeds go directly to the Save the Children organization.
Research & Insights
One in 10,000??
The issue of Fancy Color Diamonds’ rarity has never really preoccupied the geological community. This may be because the industry relies on rough numbers, so it may not be necessary to chase down these elusive figures. Hypothetically speaking, to come up with a rarity estimate of fancy color rough diamonds, a ###truncate### centralized body would […]