
Why are Zimmi Vivid Yellow Diamonds So Special?

The FCRF continually brings members the highest quality data in order to add more talking points to the fancy color diamond sales process. As part of these efforts, we have asked a preeminent diamond expert to shed light on one of the most desirable items in the fancy color world: The exceptional Vivid Yellow diamonds that are mined next to a small village by the name of Zimmi in Sierra Leone. This article explains why these stones have unique saturation that fetches extremely high prices.
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The Risk in Fancy Color Diamond Manufacturing

In this article FCRF continues to raise awareness about issues that are generally hidden from the professional public. In a unique achievement, FCRF was able to get hold of a fully documented case in which the polishing of a high value stone went terribly wrong, with photos that illustrate each stage. This is an exceptional opportunity to illustrate the risks that manufacturers face and the possible gloomy outcome.
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