What is the Fancy Color Diamond index?

This index is a first-of-its-kind tracker of changes in the market[1] prices of yellow, pink and blue fancy color diamonds, the three most commonly traded fancy color diamond categories. The index is a composite representation of changes in price points gathered since 2005, based on a statistically significant sample size (over 65,000 diamonds). It offers […]
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What is your data gathering method?

The Fancy Color Research Foundation collects large scale product sample data from a select group of fancy color diamond experts in three main trading centers: Hong Kong, New York and Tel-Aviv. Raw product information is collected, cross-referenced, verified and documented daily by the Foundation staff. The analyst team then conducts various analyses using the raw […]
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What are the data sources used to create and maintain this index?

Core pricing data is collected from a group of fancy color diamond experts that trade a significant volume of rare fancy color diamonds, based in three diamond trading centers: Hong Kong, New York and Tel Aviv. Each index data set is based on diamonds traded and evaluated during each six month time period. As of […]
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Does this index reflect all saturation levels and all sizes?

The index focuses on the most important saturation levels (Fancy, Fancy Intense and Fancy Vivid) and the most commercially common size categories (1ct, 3ct, 5ct, 10ct). While not covering all existing fancy color saturations and sizes, this sample provides an extensive view of the entire fancy color diamond segment.
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Who monitors the price behavior of fancy color diamonds?

Fancy color diamonds are traded by thousands of independent trading businesses worldwide daily, generating a significant volume of rare fancy color diamonds transactions. This high level of fragmentation creates high efficiency in this market and prevents price inflation or monopolistic behavior.
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How can I use this index?

The index can be used to understand and track the historical price behavior of different rare fancy color diamonds. This is useful for Consumers and collectors trying to estimate the change in value of a diamond they own/li> Traders and retailers who seek an indication of current market prices based on their previous purchases or […]
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