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Auction Results: November 27th, 2023, christies’s Hong Kong

By FCRF Team | 26.11.23
Auction Results: November 27th, 2023, christies’s Hong Kong

Magnificent Jewels & The Pink Supreme

Following our Pre-Auction Analysis:  Christie’s Magnificent Jewels & The Pink Supreme please find the results below.

Lot Description Quality Remark Result $
1816 10.83 ct, F.I.Y, BR, VVS2. $22,400 pc
1817 14.17 ct, F.Y, PS, VS1. $17,124 pc
1865 14.17 ct, F.Y, PS, VS1. $137,465 Total
1866 A pair of earrings with 3.62 and 3.31 ct, F.I.Y, old round brilliant cut diamonds. Low Dispersion $226,461 Total
1868 7.04 ct, F.L.P-B, EM, VVS2. $34,466 pc
1869 4.12 ct, F.O/P, CU, SI1. $452,826 Total
1870 A pair of pink and blue heart Shape diamonds with a 1.30 ct, F.B, HS, SI2 and a 1.26 ct, F.P/P, HS, I1. I1/SI2 clarity $161,758 Total
1871 Bracelet with 81 diamonds varying from F.P to F.V.P, and 4 F.O/P Didn't reach the minimum
1872 A ring with 2.01 ct, F.V.B, CU, VS2.2 ct, F.V.P, CU, VS2.1.01 ct, F.I.Purple-P, CU, SI1 and 1.01 ct, F.I.B, CU, VS1. $4,708,304 Total
1910 3.51 ct, F.V.B, PS, VS2. $1,837,065 pc
1911 15.48 ct, F.I.P, CU, IF. $695,595 pc
1912 88.08 ct, F.I.Y,CU , IF. $2,688,901 Total

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