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Auction Results: Sotheby’s New York, June 7th

By FCRF Team | 07.06.24
Auction Results: Sotheby’s New York, June 7th

Results are in!


Lot Description Quality Remark Result $
19 Pair of earclips: 6.01 ct, F.I.Y, OV, IF; 5.5 ct, F.I.Y, OV, IF 5.5 ct - Low dispersion $288,000 total
32 34.28 ct, F.L.Y, CU, VS2 $13,303 pc
50 20.02 ct, F.I.Y, Rad, VVS2 $19,181 pc
51 Pair of multi-colored diamond earclips Didn't reach the minimum
52 2.82 ct, F.I.B-G, Rad, SI1 Didn't reach the minimum
57 Pair of earrings: 16.77 ct, F.Y, Rad, VVS2; 16.37 ct, F.Y, Rad, VVS2 $420,000 total
58 2.82 ct, F.I.B-G, Rad, SI1 $12,736 pc
63 18.58 ct, F.Y, EM, SI1 $12,272 pc
74 10.13 ct, F.B-P, HS, SI1 $35,539 pc
85 3.36 ct, F.I.Pish Purple, OV, SI2 SI2 Didn't reach the minimum
86 1.41 ct, F.V.G-B, Rad, I2 I2/ Face up appears small Didn't reach the minimum
87 0.73 ct, F.P/R, PS, SI2 Low dispersion, odd ratio $493,151 pc

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